Monday, July 03, 2006

Summer reading

.. Had me a blast...
So here's where i find out if anyone is really checking in. I need some summer reading suggestions. If anyone has anything to suggest please let me know. And i'm not talkin bout some New Release, poolside-light sunshine reading. Please. My studio has no natural light. I care not for Briget Jones. That said, no suggestion is too obvious, because my theoretical reading background is less than solid. Here is what i have been reading and so should everyone else
- Susan Sontag On Photography
- Walter Benjamin Illuminations
- Henry Sayre The Object of Performance
and i also can't get my nose out of my beautiful new Eva Hesse catalogue (from her show at the Jewish Museum) AND The Art Of Richard Tuttle, the catalogue from his retrospective (I saw it last year at the Whitney...i think it's still traveling).
-Oh and Jose Saramago All the Names
Well, what have yall been reading?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh crap. Sorry to have missed this!

I don't read too much. But if I did, I think I would be reading Fahrenheit 451. Failing that, William Least Heat Moon's "Blue Highways". I like that one even though it doesn't have any pictures. Dave Eggars is funny. So is David James Duncan. Terrell Owens has an autobiography out in which he claims he was misquoted. That could be fun. And Ann Coulter is always good for a giggle and, later, fuel for your barbeque.

If you're looking for something else good, may I recommend They have all sorts of nooks and crannies and reviews and such. There's always a neat book waiting for you there.

There's my two cents.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go! Ask and you shall receive.

4:49 PM  

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