Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
More Mocumentation
Continuing the painting...thanks to Ricky and Matt "not my husband" Bollinger. The painting is now finished and i think what i'm going to do is bind the images together into a hardcover book that i will then insert into the library. Not sure which library yet, nor do i know what kind of book it will be... standard history textbook, conspiracy pamphlet...and i want to write an authoritative-sounding introduction, and various book-like things such as an index (with perhaps witty notations like "sexism, pages 1-200", but less heavy-handed...), i just am struggling with the book's statement. Do i describe everything accurately (down to admitting the set-up and reproduction), or i do i act like it's any other art historical description? Or any other possible variable.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
i also like shiny things. and crime.
SO i got a bunch of shiny things (aluminum, mirrors, stainless steel contact paper, silver wrapping paper) and hung them on my walls and still haven't figured out what to do with them. And DYING for summer.

And whatever this is...

And in between i prepare for my secret nighttime excursions...more photos soon, after i disclose my superhero identity!

And whatever this is...

And in between i prepare for my secret nighttime excursions...more photos soon, after i disclose my superhero identity!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
In Progress
Okay, this is the beginning of a project that i don't understand and am not sure where it will end up. I think that's good. Continuing where the Eva Hesse erasure left off, in terms of documentation, authorship, art by women, etc etc...Again, i'm really not sure and i had to just get this started otherwise i would think myself to death (not the first time). One thing the Eva Hesse Documentation got wrong in my opinion was that i was doing the opposite tactic ("removing" her work in order to preserve or call attention to it, and to show how precarious female art in art history actually is), but carefully recording the action truthfully. So i started thinking about fictive documentation, proving something that is false, or showing a lie. Or something. The first method for this is:
- i set up a "stage" in my studio, and created a prop canvas.
- i asked the four male members of my grad class to come in individually and paint (repaint) one of my paintings from 2001, using only a postcard for reference. They wear their own clothes that they happened to be wearing that day.
- i photograph them working.
- in the end i think i'm going to display the original painting (which is several times bigger than the prop) with the photos. And that's all i'm going to say about that. But final review is in a week so it will definitely get figured out soon. Here are the first two sessions. Many thanks to Jacob and Ziad.

- i set up a "stage" in my studio, and created a prop canvas.
- i asked the four male members of my grad class to come in individually and paint (repaint) one of my paintings from 2001, using only a postcard for reference. They wear their own clothes that they happened to be wearing that day.
- i photograph them working.
- in the end i think i'm going to display the original painting (which is several times bigger than the prop) with the photos. And that's all i'm going to say about that. But final review is in a week so it will definitely get figured out soon. Here are the first two sessions. Many thanks to Jacob and Ziad.

Monday, May 08, 2006
More Mirrors
Scratching my reflection off. For the first time actually removing an image rather than covering it up. Similar to the painted mirror in that i am not only removing myself, and the artist, but i am removing the mirror's function, as well as it's past and future.

Please disregard my gross face, somehow the fact that my reflection ended up on there anyway feels wrong!
These are two views of the same piece. Here is scratched the back of the mirror and then re-silvered it with liquid silver leaf. There is still a vague reflection in the glass but the silver is dull.

Please disregard my gross face, somehow the fact that my reflection ended up on there anyway feels wrong!
These are two views of the same piece. Here is scratched the back of the mirror and then re-silvered it with liquid silver leaf. There is still a vague reflection in the glass but the silver is dull.