Monday, April 24, 2006

Hey, Labyrinth IS pretty cool

This acrylic-on-mirror was my first post-crit piece, and kind of saved me studio-wise. It's so easy to get stuck and then afraid of the studio, but i started this right away and got excited by it and it led to other pieces that i am working on right now.

These next ones are attempts at returning to wall sculpture and layering, respectively. Since taking these pictures they've been de-assembled and will probably be reborn in other pieces soon. Confusion! For the tracing paper one I was thinking about portraits, cameos, silhouettes, etc, but mostly trying to get back to my materials-based intuitive ways of working.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Crit is over, it was rough with a capital ROUGH, but i am starting to actually process a lot of what was said (and not said). Will talk more about that later. Right now i am putting together my submission for RISD's awards of excellence so i thought i would finally post some shots of the painted photos. Here's a handful of my favorites. They are all 4x6, original prints, with acrylic. I'm realizing just how different they are on a screen, the texture obviously plays a big part in the experience.

Paulie, if you are reading this -- it is because i love you! right?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Crime Schrime

Documentation to the max!! ie, letting the pictures tell the story.

Painting Eva Hesse work out of "Women Artists" from the RISD library...going back to question of "What would be a REALLY dangerous thing to remove from collective memory?" And documentation as the art object, because the object (i guess) is returned to the world. Arg, there is too much to say about this. Photo assistance by the Fabulous Nadia.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


In starting to do some installations this week, i may have come up with a different way for displaying the photos. I'm not sure about the silver one except i like looking at it. The framed one is actually from earlier but i forgot to show it. I just painted out a photo of my grampa (from before he was my grampa) and put it back in the frame in which it was hanging on my wall for years.

No Words

Well maybe a couple. I'm thinking about the crit and what the hell i'm doing. Does anyone have any idea?

So i'm going to do a third drawing for the frame piece. Not sure exactly why i am drawing and painting these but there's something about the writing on the back of photos, like cataloging the memory, or maybe even editorializing, that's more important than the photo itself? Not sure.