Sunday, December 10, 2006


Weaving paper...It started as a way to fragment text. In the first larger drawing it was two handmade signs put together. They each had ink spills running across them and it was the areas where these two spills overlapped (to create a solid) that interested me most. So i just started weaving spills.

Now i'm starting to think of weaving as a grid, and something that is structural only because of the equal balance between its two perpendicular components (warp and weft). But weaving flat lengths is also interesting to me because it seems to get closer to the idea of two things existing simultaneously; they are both equally present and hidden.

Q: What's at Stake

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Noun, verb, adjective, declaration!

This was supposed to be a part of my crit but the banners arrived two weeks late. Thinking about fracturing text/language, especially bold language that is meant to be taken in quickly. In this one in particular, i'm interested in slowing down the read, and letting things emerge that were not evident at first. Weaving has always been important to me, and i will talk about my new discoveries in my next post, after i get some pics of my newest stuff.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Found Insertions

So i have been collecting public installations. Been meaning to do this for a while. Basically i photograph situations i come across that look like something i might have (or should have) done, at least in my "Insertions" phase. By photographing them i am calling them my own. Not sure where i stand yet on the truth/fiction aspect of this yet, but obviously i am only taking partial responsibility at this point. But i do want to do more activities like the comic pages i was doing in the spring, in which i illustrated myself doing certain public actions that were, if not impossible, require a certain amount of planning and engineering. My stance then is that the drawings were documentations of my performances. Is this questioning truth, belief, trust, reality? Maybe. But for now i'm more interested in the act of finding small surprises that take a while for me to figure out.

PS, you can probably tell which ones i took with my camera phone. Does this add to anything? What about composition or anything artsy? Should there be more of a sense of renegade vandalism, running from the scene of the crime?